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Our first ever International Women’s online conference and webinar


COVID 19 has devastated economies around the world and disrupted life in ways that were unimaginable just a few months ago – it is evident that the world will never be the same. Countries are still actively battling the deadly virus but societies, industries and communities are now also looking to rebuild and re-emerge from the crisis.

Mongolia is leading the world on how to prevent the spread COVID-19, up until now, there are still no domestically transmitted cases reported within the country.

Nations from all around the world, especially those within Europe and the USA – the most affected regions, are beginning to emerge from this crisis. With a network of Mongolian women living around the world, we bring together those who have experienced the full effects of this pandemic on both a personal and professional level. By using our platform, we will be sharing key insights, advice, experiences and specialised knowledge on a variety of topics, to make sense of the events taking place around the world.


Join us on Zoom for a free 2-hour event organised by ADMWE, as we host our very first virtual conference, highlighting from our own experiences and bringing key insights on COVID-19

This conference will cover a variety of interesting topics as listed below:

Project we have supported in 2019

We are a non-profit organisation established to facilitate the networking and development of Mongolian women. We do this by bringing together women of different professions and backgrounds to provide opportunities to network – developing business and social connections.

Further to this, we extend our support and network to causes we find important such as projects to help reduce domestic violence against girls and women in Mongolia.

I can tell you very proudly that since 2012, we have organised a total of 30 events and supported 6 large projects while raising ₮58,906,100 to support these causes.

Our 2019 nominated project has been one to facilitate and support women and children affected by domestic violence in and around Zavhan Provence, Mongolia.

Discussions on:

Global economy

How is COVID-19 transforming the global economy?

As we are all witnesses, COVID-19 has disrupted lives and livelihoods of everyone around the world.

Could coordinated action by government, business, cooperation – at exceptional scale and speed – mitigate the risk and impact of this unprecedented crisis?

Interesting insights from our financial experts sharing pre and post COVID-19 changes and the impact on the global economy.

The Art, Culture and Tradition

How has the art, culture and entertainment industry changed – what is the outlook moving forward?

In this difficult time how are we keeping and adapting our traditions.

Public Health sector

Our experts in health sector will give their insights into how COVID-19 might change global healthcare and share lessons on how clinical care of patients continues to evolve.

From primary care to ICU, how are people’s behaviours changing during this pandemic. What can we expect in a year’s time?

What can we do to protect ourselves?


The COVID-19 pandemic could profoundly change education – but will it be for the better?

Education, up until most recently, is associated with physical presence. Now, students are just a finger-click away from the vast knowledge available through the internet. COVID-19 has reformed the education system and have given schools Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom. This technology turns a laptop screen into a classroom, where students and teachers see each other and can question each other in a truly collaborative online learning.

Our experts in education both from Mongolia and UK and Europe share their thoughts on this.

The Internet, Technology and Science

Our expert Professors share their experience and knowledge on fast changes in technology and how this digital era is leading the revolution. Technology and science must prevail, fast, in order to speed up the recovery process.

How has ‘fake news’ that we see online affected the perspective of individuals on the severity of COVID-19?

The people, work-from-home life and finding balance

For most of us, COVID-19 is the biggest challenge of our lifetime. It has accelerated digital transformation across every industry as firms invest heavily in remote working capabilities ensuring employees can work from home productively. With an increasing number of staff estimated to remain home-based post pandemic.

Certain questions are being raised around the future of our workforce.

We bring insights from within Europe and USA.

Travel, tourism and hospitality industries

The World Travel and Tourism Council has warned the COVID-19 pandemic could cut 50 million jobs worldwide in the travel and tourism industry.

How will these industries look after this pandemic finally recedes?

What are the biggest changes within the hotel and hospitality sectors?

Will it ever get back to ‘normal’?

These are some of the highlights of the discussions that will take place on these topics.

For the full agenda and details of all speakers, please visit

We anticipate that this event will be very popular so we encourage you to book as soon as possible to guarantee your virtual seat. Be digitally with us, at this time of social-distancing, by posting your key questions to the panel prior to the conference via [email protected]

I am cordially inviting you to join our very first digital webinar as we create a discussion on a myriad of topics.

I most sincerely, look forward to seeing you all this Saturday.

Gundari Gombosed


The Association for the Development of Mongolian Women in Europe







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